Membership matrix

Membership matrix

Embarking on a career in bookkeeping is an exciting journey, filled with opportunities for growth and success. Whether you’re just starting out, an experienced professional looking to take the next step, or a business owner seeking financial expertise, we are here to guide you at every stage of your career.

Not sure which membership is right for you?

Explore our membership matrix!

To simplify your membership choices and empower your career, we’ve created a Membership Matrix that aligns your unique career stage with the ideal membership level. This matrix ensures that you get the most out of your membership by selecting the option that best caters to your specific needs and goals.

Our commitment is to offer you not just a membership but a tailored experience that will help you flourish. Explore the matrix below and discover how we can accompany you on your journey to success in the world of bookkeeping.

New Bookkeeper

  • These individuals are just starting their careers in bookkeeping.
  • They may be recent graduates, career changers, or those looking to enter the profession.

New bookkeepers are looking to gain knowledge, skills, and certifications to kickstart their careers.

Experienced Bookkeeper

  • This group comprises seasoned bookkeeping professionals with several years of experience.
  • They may hold advanced certifications and have a deep understanding of industry trends and regulations.

Experienced bookkeepers are kept up to date on industry changes, enhancing their skills, and exploring career advancement opportunities.

Bookkeeping Business Owners

  • These individuals own and operate bookkeeping firms or practices.
  • They are responsible for managing their businesses, acquiring clients, and ensuring profitability.

Bookkeeping business members are assisted with growth strategies, marketing, client management, and industry best practices.

We recommend:

Bookkeeping Employees

  • This category includes individuals who work as bookkeepers within organizations or as employees of bookkeeping firms.
  • They perform bookkeeping duties for clients or their employers.

Those employed as bookkeepers are seeking skill improvement, staying current with accounting software, and career advancement.

We recommend:

or membership under an Employer’s Business Membership

Join the Success Story!

Your success story could be the next one we celebrate. Join NZQBA and embark on a transformative journey that goes beyond bookkeeping education. Our community is more than a platform; it’s a thriving ecosystem where success stories come to life.

Success story Mentoring Program
Student Membership with NZQBA

Are you a Bookkeeping Student?

If you are currently enrolled in The Career Academy’s Certificate of Bookkeeping, you’re in for a treat. Enjoy 6 months of complimentary Student Membership with us, providing you with exclusive access to a range of resources to support your learning and kickstart your career in bookkeeping.

As you successfully complete the Certificate of Bookkeeping, you will seamlessly transition to 12 months of FREE Certified Bookkeeper Membership. This elevated status opens doors to staying informed on industry trends, gaining valuable insights, and building a strong network of fellow bookkeepers.