Elevate your bookkeeping businesses with NZQBA!

In the bookkeeping profession, staying ahead of industry trends and accessing continuous professional development is vital. And for many bookkeeping business owners, they also need to factor access to these essential tools for their team too. 

The Solution: NZQBA Business Membership

Many bookkeeping business owners find their solution in a Business Membership with the New Zealand Qualified Bookkeeping Association (NZQBA). But, rather than just taking our word for it (we are a bit biased), let’s delve into the firsthand experience of Chantelle Good from Varntige in Te Awamutu.

Meet Chantelle Good, owner of prominent Waikato bookkeeping business Varntige.

When Chantelle Good founded her business in April 2015, she was a solopreneur helping small to medium business with their bookkeeping and administration.  From there it was a fast road to success for Chantelle – over the years Varntige has expanded its services to also include graphic design and websites and seen the bookkeeping team grow to 5 full time team members. 

The growth of Varntige helped Chantelle discover her passion is to manage a successful business and not so much the day-to day doing.  Membership to a professional body became an apparent necessity to support her team while she began to focus more and more on the development of the business instead of working in it.

"Throughout my journey as a bookkeeping business owner, NZQBA has played a pivotal role in propelling the growth and success of the bookkeeping services we provide."

The success of Varntige is evident – they are now a multi-award-winning agency having been named the NZQBA Bookkeeping Business of Year 2023, as well as having won Virtual Assistant of the Year, Top Performing VA Agency and Best Website through the NZ Virtual Assistant Network.

But how?

As a business owner on a mission to create a thriving enterprise, Chantelle sought two essential elements: credibility for potential clients and the convenience of having education come to her.

As a recognised professional body with Inland Revenue, the Association not only fulfilled the need for credibility but also provided educational opportunities directly, sparing her the effort of seeking it out independently.

“The learning opportunities offered to the membership are consistently good and relevant, and positively impact my team's skill set and knowledge base. Having an online login where we can access additional training materials has also been highly valuable in the growth and proficiency of our bookkeeping team."

For Chantelle, this cost-effective solution to professional development has been a no-brainer.

“I choose to pay the membership fees on a monthly subscription because it is convenient.  For just $59 a month, I get 3 individual memberships, two free conference tickets each year and discounts on higher education opportunities. Overall, the value we receive significantly outweighs the costs.” 

So, what do the Varntige team have to say?

Rebecca Burgess has been working in some shape or form in the bookkeeping and accounting industry since 2007 and is now the is the Executive Bookkeeper at Varntige

“As part of the Varntige Business Membership my colleague, Sonja and I have been fortunate to attend the NZQBA Conference in 2023 and other team members in previous years.  As an employee, being able to attend an industry conference without it being a financial burden to the business has been hugely beneficial.  The event just keeps getting better and better and there have been lots of key takeaways that we have been able to take back and apply to our day jobs – both for Varntige and for our clients.”

Daryl-Lynn Wilken has been working for Varntige for just over 4.5 years now and this is where her bookkeeping journey started.

“Being one of the bookkeeping team at Varntige means I have access to all that NZQBA offers its members, which has been a great contribution to my bookkeeping knowledge and growth. Attending the conference in 2022 and getting to meet all the partners we work with and having the opportunity to meet new ones really provides a path for growth. I have attended the webinars offered and have found great value in these. Every new piece of information I am able to take on board, becomes an asset to all our clients.”

Are you a bookkeeping business owner?

For those seeking to elevate their bookkeeping business, the Business Membership with NZQBA will prove to be a strategic investment in professional excellence.

“The NZQBA team, led by Kenn, has been nothing short of amazing—always open to feedback, responsive to emails, and truly dedicated to member satisfaction. The webinars provided are a standout feature, delivering excellent value for money and the conference continues to evolve and improve each year.  I wholeheartedly recommend NZQBA to any New Zealand Bookkeeper!”

So, there you have it.  NZQBA’s Business Membership is a beacon for bookkeeping business owners, offering not only affordability but also a rich tapestry of resources, training, and a supportive community.

Are you ready to join?